The Bit Mining Bros.

Who Are We Anyway?

Ennio, Tim and I have known each other (collectively) for a long time. I’ve worked with Tim for over a decade working on projects big and small. We’ve worked with large ministries, small churches, global missions organizations with many many members around the globe.

Ennio and Tim have known each other for a very very long time. They grew up together and consider each other brothers. Ennio is a very successful business man and philanthropist having run his own insurance company and the charity, Code Purple, for a number of years.

Ennio sold his insurance company and handed off control of Code Purple in order to work in the world of financing and philanthropy. Ennio is now heavily involved in the crypto world and is a major part of PhilCoin (Philanthropy Coin). We’ll write more on that soon. In the meantime, it’s enough to know that Ennio has a real heart for helping the homeless here on the home front and helping the church world wide.

Tim has a real heart for Cambodia. Tim was adopted by an American couple (his loving mom and dad) from an orphanage in the Cambodia after the reign of Pol Pot. Tim now has a large music school and ministry as well as a his own professional arts program that works with schools to put on production like Annie, a story about an orphan. Tim still has a huge heart for  Cambodia and makes regular trips to Cambodia on missions.

Then there’s me, Karsten. I work on websites for a bunch of ministries, some Christian universities and retreats. I work for some well known voices in the Christian world and have worked with 2 best selling & award winning authors. I run a very small business and I have the good fortune to be able to use some of those contacts to raise money for people in need. As for how long I’ve known Ennio, it hasn’t been all that long. Just a few short years. He’s the visionary who brought me deep into the crypto world.

Don’t worry, now that all that all that’s our of the way, we’ll get down to the real applicable stuff.

We’re looking forward to working with you all and serving you in whatever manner we can.